Use our compound interest calculator to determine how much more your savings can grow when you get the best savings account rate. Even as interest rates fall, many consumers can improve the amount they earn by shopping for a better rate.
Whether you hope to build an emergency fund, buy a new car, go on vacation, or retire, various savings products are at your disposal. However, the ideal place for your savings will depend on your unique situation. Below, we’ll examine the best places to save money and earn interest so you can meet (or even… Continue reading Best Places to Save Money & Earn Interest 2025
Use this savings calculator to determine exactly how much money you should put away each month to meet your savings goal, whether it’s one year, five years, 10 years, or longer. When you tap into the power of compound interest, your savings build by more than just the amount you put in because you start… Continue reading Simple Savings Calculator
MoneyRates Calculators When it comes to handling your personal finances, you often have to “do the math”. The paper-and-pencil method can be avoided these days by using online calculators to help you make good financial decisions. We’ve assembled the calculators most consumers need, whether they’re just starting out or they’re heading toward the third stage… Continue reading MoneyRates Calculators
How much could your money grow if you keep investing and adding to it over time? This calculator can help you estimate how much your initial investment could grow given the rate of return you’re seeking, additional investments you make, and the length of time you have to retirement. How to Use the Investment Calculator… Continue reading Investment Calculator: See How Your Money Grows Over Time
Looking to earn the most interest on your money? Learn the secret to maximizing compound interest and how time horizon and risk tolerance can help you decide which investments best support your savings goals.
Whether you’re 20 years from retirement or two years, you need to plan how much to save for retirement. By calculating how much your retirement savings will grow, you can adjust your plan for your savings and investments. Whether you have a 401(k) plan, deposits like retirement money market accounts, an individual retirement account (IRA),… Continue reading Retirement Savings Calculator: How Much to Save for Retirement
If you’re starting to save for one or more financial goals or just want to make sure you’re saving enough, you might be asking yourself if saving $1,000 per month is good. While it is, of course, good to save, a more personal analysis will help you see if it puts you on track to… Continue reading Is Saving $1,000 a Month Good?
There are 73 local and national banks serving customers in Washington, with more than 1,400 branches in over 200 cities and towns. If you’re a resident of the Evergreen State who is looking for the best savings account to store your money, there are plenty of great options available to you. Here’s a look at… Continue reading The Best Savings Accounts in Washington for 2025