What Kinds of Loans Are There? Learn About the Types of Loans You Can Get

Peter Miller

What is a loan? It seems like a simple question. You need money, you ask someone to lend it to you, and you pay it back. But there are many types of loans for many purposes. This article covers the attributes of a loan and helps you decide what kinds of financing are right for your needs.

Personal Loan or Auto Loan: Which Is Better to Buy a Car?

Peter Miller

An auto loan is probably the most unusual bit of financing you will find. There are millions of auto loans originated every year and yet they are very different from mortgages, student loans, and credit cards. These differences mean that it can be difficult to get the best rates and terms and for that reason you might want to consider a personal loan rather than an auto loan.

How to Get A Personal Loan to Start Ebay Business

Peter Miller

An eBay business can be a great way to earn income in the gig economy. This article tells you how to start selling on eBay and how to finance your new business.

Should You Pay Off Your Car Loan Early?

Peter Miller

You’d think that paying off a car loan early would always be a good thing. But you should also know potential disadvantages of paying off a car loan early before you write that check.

Advantages & Drawbacks of Personal Loans

Peter Miller

Personal loans are not good or bad. Like money, personal loans are neutral. They are either right for you or wrong for you depending on your circumstances. And on your reason for borrowing.

Can You Pay for Legal Fees With a Personal Loan?

Peter Miller

There are more than 80 million court cases a year. They often produce large attorney fees. Here’s what you can do to lower fees and use a personal loan for legal fees.

Do Personal Loans Affect Your Tax Return?

Peter Miller

If you’re considering a personal loan, you may be concerned about their effect on your taxes. Can you write off or deduct personal loans? Are personal loan proceeds considered taxable income? Most personal loans don’t affect most people’s taxes – but you should know the exceptions or face possible costs.

What Is a Personal Loan Origination Fee?

Peter Miller

What is a personal loan origination fee? Is it always required? And if not, why would you ever want to pay it?

How a Credit Check for a Personal Loan Affects Your Credit Score

Peter Miller

A credit check for personal loans can lower your credit score. But not by much if you shop for the best personal loans the right way. The money you save by shopping with more than offset that tiny temporary drop in your FICO score.

How Many Personal Loans Can You Have at Once?

Peter Miller

How many personal loans can you have at once? Is there a limit to how many personal loans you can have? Does having more than one personal loan harm your credit score?

Here’s what you need to know about applying for multiple personal loans, and how they impact your finances and your credit score

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